Work of (F)Art (2013)
El capitalismo y los mass media se apoderan de todo lo que encuentran a su paso.
En el libro de Jean Baudrilard “Cultura y simulacro” ya nos hablaba del primer “Gran Hermano”, allá por el año 1971, en el que se grabaron unas 300 horas de la vida de una familia americana de clase media-alta.
40 años después, era de esperar que se sucediesen cientos de nuevos hiperreality shows y como no el del mundo del arte, tarde o temprano llegó y en diferentes formatos.
En 2009 se estrenó en Reino Unido “School of Saatchi”, que tomaba el nombre del conocido galerista y empresario. El formato era muy similar a precedentes como Big Brother, Hell´s Kitchen y un largo etc. En el reality, principalmente jóvenes artistas mediante una selección previa, competirían por conseguir ser el nuevo pupilo de Saatchi, personaje planteado en el programa como el nuevo “dios” o gurú del arte, pero que extrañamente nunca aparecía en escena. Solo se realizó una única temporada.
Capitalism and mass media take over everything in its path.
In the book of Jean Baudrilard "Culture and sham", talked about the first "Big Brother" back in 1971, which was recorded about 300 hours in the life of an American family of middle class.
40 years later, it was expected that hundreds of new shows are sucediesen hiperreality and as the art world, sooner or later it arrived and in different formats.
In 2009 it was released in the UK "School of Saatchi", taking the name of the known art dealer and businessman. The format was very similar to previous as Big Brother, Hell's Kitchen and much more. In reality, mainly young artists, through a pre-selection, would compete to become the new Saatchi ward, raised character on the show as the new "god" or art guru, but strangely never appeared on the scene. Only one season was made.
School of Saatchi - Sold Oil on Canvas 65 x 50 cm.
Financial Hirst - Sold Oil on canvas 65 x 50 cm.
School of Saatchi Photopolimer one ink. 17 x 11 cm.
Financial Hirst Photopolimer one ink. 17 x 11 cm.
At #RAF3